April 2024 – April Showers

Little April shower!

Well April has certainly been a washout month, weather wise. Who would’ve thought we’d need to get the big coats out again? 

What’s kept us busy this month?

Financial Support

We have noticed an influx of people calling for financial support – whether that is for helping filling in forms for Attendance Allowance (AA) or Personal Independence Payments (PIP). connectNEL and the Centre4 Advice team have been answering financial queries and making applications to help support clients on a daily basis. With our new booking system, we’re able to help more people when they need it the most.

Medical Services & Information

When we say our advisors can help with anything, we mean it! We’ve been helping direct people to vaccination clinics for COVID-19 boosters, help with grab rails in the home, hygiene and period products, and incontinence pads – just to name a few! Whether that has been directions to pharmacies, doctors and social services, or food and hygiene banks, we want to make sure that no one if without basic medical support.  

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” – Gautama Buddha


Art Attack – Community art space!

Working with Creative Start CIC, we have been stunned by the amazing artwork which has come out of these sessions. Our community room has been fit to burst with a variety of people coming along to be creative, and meet other likeminded people. After all, creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, and art is knowing which ones to keep. 

Not only does Creative Start CIC help you unleash your creative side, they also offer peer support to encourage recovery from substance abuse, and related mental health issues, across the community of North East Lincolnshire.

The Creative Start CIC art group is every Tuesday, 2pm – 4pm at Centre4. They are open to all, and are completely free. To enquire about joining, please call 01472 236 688. 

Music Jam!

We’ve been making music here at Centre4 with with the help of Freestyle Academy! The group have been developing their skills with drums, keys, guitar and bass – we’ll have a full band before you know it! These sessions are are open to all to learn, play, jam, or even sing along for fun.

Freestyle Academy work with a variety of services, for a variety of age ranges. Music touches the human soul emotionally, in a way that words alone can’t – this is something that we can all resonate with!

Freestyle Academy is every Thursday, 10.30am – 12pm. These sessions are completely free. To enquire, please call 07999 493 147.

We’re baaa–ck!

Nunny’s Farm is back, and better than ever! With polite, friendly and patient staff and volunteers, it’s no wonder that many visitors come back again and again! After a successful Easter weekend at the start of the month, the farm has been attracting more and more visitors, which we’re all delighted to see. And it gets better with these little cuties arriving soon!

Ronnie and Reggie (left and centre) are Tottenburg goats, and then there is Charlie the Saanen goat (right). These three are part of the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, and have been kindly donated to the farm to help teach about rare breeds. 

Nunny’s Farm is open 1 April 31 October, 7 days a week, 10am – 5pm. For more information, and pricing, please call 01472 236 676.  

Upcoming May Bank Holidays!

Don’t forget, it’s fast approaching the May bank holidays. connectNEL will be closed on Monday 6 May, and Monday 27 May. 

Thanks for reading, from all of us here at connectNEL!