We have a dedicated phoneline and an extensive
database of services and activities that can give you the help you need.

01472 403403

Worried about someone and feel they need support?
You are in the right place!

Taking the pressure off?

connectNEL sign posts to services that support healthier lifestyles, social inclusion and local events across North East Lincolnshire.

Our person centred approach provides a link to community assets and resources such as social clubs, fitness groups and leisure activities.

Using the Simply Connect data base we can signpost people to get support with issues such as smoking, stress and anxiety or we have contacts for a broad range of services that can provide information advice and guidance on welfare benefits, employment and debt plus much more.

you Help?

If you can get involved to offer a service please get in touch.

Contact us... hello@connectnel.com

or submit the form below and let us help you

"*" indicates required fields


Simply Connect and Simply Connect for volunteers is the perfect place for organisations across North East Lincolnshire to display events, services, volunteer opportunities or search for registered volunteers.

It is now managed by connectNEL, which brings organisations and volunteers together to meet the needs of local people. If you are an organisation which is interested in registering your activities and support services on Simply Connect or would like to advertise your volunteer roles please e mail simplyconnect@connectnel.com