Urgent Care

Community Pharmacy

Treatment for common conditions and minor ailments can also be accessed through visiting a community pharmacy.  Please see the Pharmacy section for details Pharmacy Services – Connect NEL


Dental – emergency dental services

Patients registered with a dentist should contact their dentist for emergency dental treatment.

Patients without a regular dentist, should contact 111 to source an emergency appointment.

Only go to A&E if you have:


·       heavy bleeding

·       injuries to your face, mouth, or teeth

·       severe swelling, or increasing swelling of your mouth, lips, throat, neck or eye

Understanding NHS dental charges – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

NHS 111 for patients without a registered dentist who need emergency dental treatment.

How can I access an NHS dentist in an emergency or out of hours? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)

Community Urgent Eye Service (CUES)

Criteria: All ages, must be registered with a local GP.  Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Symptoms that can be treated:

  • Red or painful eye or eyelids
  • Recently occurring flashes and floaters
  • Recent and sudden loss of vision
  • Foreign body in the eye  

This is an NHS service provided by accredited optometrists (also commonly known as opticians).

Please note this this service is not an eye test.
Conditions NOT covered by this service
Major eye conditions that are being regularly monitored by an optometrist or hospital eye service, such as cataracts, diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma.
In this case the patient should consult their usual optometrist or hospital eye service directly for advice in the usual way.

Downloadable Community Urgent Eyecare Service Leaflet.


To make an appointment, call one of the participating optical practices.

Find participating practice here:

Find a Practice – Search for your nearest participating optical practice (primaryeyecare.co.uk)

Single Point of Access (SPA)

Criteria:  Residents of North East Lincolnshire


Option 1: For Health Related Matters

You should call Single Point of Access if:

·       You need medical help fast, but it is not a 999 emergency

·       You think you need to go to accident and emergency or another NHS urgent care service

·       You do not know who to call for medical help or you do not have a GP to call

·       You require health information or reassurance about what to do next

·       For less urgent health needs, you should still contact your GP in the usual way.


Option 2: For Adult Social Care or Therapy Enquiries

SPA is also for enquiries about adult social care (if you or a relative need some extra support at home, for example).


Option 3: For Mental Health advice and support

You can also use this number in the daytime for general advice and support around your mental wellbeing and during the evening/overnight people can access the Mental Health Crisis Service by calling the same number.


Option 4: To contact the Hospital Discharge Team


Option 5: For Non-Urgent and/or Non-Medical related enquiries

Telephone: 01472 256256

Option 1: Health

Option 2: Adult Social Care or Therapy

Option 3: Mental Health

Option 4: Hospital Discharge Team

Option 5: Non-Urgent and/or Non-Medical

Single Point of Access • NHS North East Lincolnshire CCG

NHS 111

Criteria:  Anyone can call NHS 111.  NHS Online is for people over 5years call NHS 111 if you need help for a child under 5.

When to use NHS 111 online or call 111

NHS 111 can help if you think you need medical help right now.

You can get help from NHS 111:

·       by using 111 online

·       in the NHS App

·       by calling 111

111 can direct you to the best place to get help if you cannot contact your GP during the day, or when your GP is closed (out-of-hours).

Depending on what you need, you might be advised to:

·       call 999 or go to A&E in an emergency

·       go to an urgent treatment centre

·       see an evening and weekend GP (out-of-hours GP)

·       book a callback from a nurse

·       get urgent specialist support, for dental or mental health problems

·       contact your own GP surgery

·       see a pharmacist for help with a minor illness

·       look after yourself safely at home

Get help online

111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.

Answer questions about your symptoms on the website or in the NHS App and you will be told what to do next.

When to use NHS online or call 111


NHS 111 Online

Get help for your symptoms – NHS 111

NHS 111 Text relay:   Call 18001 111 using text relay, 24 hours a day


British sign language (BSL)

Use NHS 111 – SignVideo : SignVideo

Help in other languages

Call 111 and ask for an interpreter.

GP Out of Hours


Raj Medical Centre

Laceby Road


DN34 5LP

Criteria:  Residents of North East Lincolnshire


The GP Out of Hours team, provides advice and treatment to people in North East Lincolnshire, with urgent medical concerns out of GP practice hours that cannot wait until their GP surgery is open.


Please do not walk into GP Out of Hours. All patients wishing to be seen or attend, must call 01472 256256

Telephone:  01472 256256


Opening times:

Monday to Friday. 

6:30pm to midnight


Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays:

8am to midnight

GP Out of Hours | Core Care Links Ltd


Accident and Emergency (A&E)


also known as Emergency Department or Casualty


Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital, Scartho Road Grimsby

DN33 2BA

Criteria:  Anyone can attend A&E


When to go to A&E – A&E is for serious injuries and life-threatening emergencies


Our emergency department (A&E) are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit us or call 999 if you need an ambulance in a life-threatening emergency, such as:


·       Loss of consciousness

·       Acute confused state and fits that are not stopping

·       Persistent, severe chest pain

·       Breathing difficulties

·       Severe bleeding that cannot be stopped

·       If you suspect someone is having a stroke.

Is it an emergency? – Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust

Visit us or call 999 if you need an ambulance in a life-threatening emergency


Contact us... hello@connectnel.com

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