A warm welcome – we’re happy to have you!
Our new update section will keep you up-to-date with what’s been happening, and lots more. We can’t wait to get started!
What’s kept us busy this month?
Household Support Grants (HSGs)
We’re a referral partner for the North East Lincolnshire Council Household Support Grant. This payment has been available to people 16+ to help with the cost of energy, food, household bills and other essentials. It’s been running since July 2023, and closes 31 March 2024. Our advisors have been making applications for clients on a daily basis, with a huge success rate.
Food hardship
With the cost of living getting higher, our advisors are sending people for food vouchers, as well as making referrals to the Community Shop, based at Centre4. They’re also advising where to go for food, baby and pet banks in North East Lincolnshire. As Tesco once said, “Every little helps.” Food should not be a luxury for anyone, and it breaks our hearts to see so many going without.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller
No joke – Comic Relief fundraiser!
Staff queued up to get a slice of these beautiful brownies baked by ERA manager, Rachel (pictured on the right)! Just some of the comments were, “These brownies are to die for!” and “Nigella Lawson is out of a job now!”
Not only does Rachel help people get into employment, but she also managed to raise £60 for Comic Relief – which can pay for 240 meals at local community centres! A huge well done and congratulations Rachel – you’re a superstar!
To enquire about Centre4’s ERA job vacancies, please call 01472 236 688.
Social Prescribing Day – 14 March!
More than 65 people attended a Wellbeing Walk in Cleethorpes, to mark Social Prescribing Day – and they got to meet the Lincolnshire Llama Brigade! What a great surprise!
The Centre4 Thrive Wellbeing Walks are a perfect form of exercise, a great chance to meet new and likeminded people. Many of the walks are dog-friendly, as well as being wheelchair/scooter and pushchair safe.
Your doctors aren’t the only one who can help you feel better – the social prescribing team are there to help with a range of issues. Social Prescribing is practical and emotional support for you, or your loved ones.
To enquire, please call 01472 236 688.
Civic Awards 2024
We were delighted to find out that Centre4 was nominated for Charity/Volunteer of the Year! Chief executive, Tracey Good (pictured centre) community and employment director, Susan Harrison (pictured left), and all around front desk Wonder-Woman, Carol Carson (pictured right), were able to attend the Civic Awards on Friday 8 March. Unfortunately we didn’t win, but we know it was a very tough category, with some amazing competition. Our hats go off to all the nominees!
Happy Hoppy Easter!
Easter has come early this year. Good Friday is celebrated on 29 March, Easter Sunday is 31 March, and Easter Monday is 1 April. And that’s also April Fool’s Day so dust off your best jokes and pranks!
And speaking of Easter, we’re all springing forwards. The clocks go forward one hour, at 1am on the last Sunday in March. This year it’s the 31st! The evenings will be getting lighter, but you will lose an hour in bed!
Thanks for reading, from all of us here at connectNEL!